Channel with Custom Availability

Fonte: - Algarve Beach House
Revisão em 15h12min de 18 de junho de 2020 por imported>Annette
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This page explains how to use virtual rooms to manage allotments

You can manage the number of rooms you see at a channel via (SETTINGS) CHANNEL MANAGER-CHANNEL INVENTORY.


Example 1: You have 5 double rooms and guaranteed channel A 2 rooms

Room for booking page: In (SETTINGS) PROPERTIES > ROOMS->SET UP set Quantity=3 In (SETTINGS) PROPERTIES > ROOMS > DEPENDENCIES set "Requires Availability" = Room for channel

Leave all other settings set to the defaults.

Room for channel: In (SETTINGS) PROPERTIES > ROOMS->SET UP set Quantity=5 In (SETTINGS) PROPERTIES > ROOMS > SET UP set Sell Priority = hide (to hide from booking page) In (SETTINGS) PROPERTIES > ROOMS DEPENDENCIES set "Include Bookings" = Room for booking page

Leave all other settings set to the defaults and map this room to the channel.

 Note  Test dependencies carefully. If you are using dependencies please test thoroughly to make sure your set up reflects your rules. If you are connecting one physical room more than once to a booking channel you are risking overbookings.