To use this payment option you will need an account with the payment provider.
globalpayments supports credit cards and country specific alternative payment options (see list) if these are set up in your globalpayments account and are available in the guests country.
Beds24 integrates with the hosted payment page (HPP) solution.
Set up[editar]
- To connect you will need to enter the specified information from your payment system account.
- Change the setting for "Enable".
If you allow more than one payment option the number sets the order in which the payment option will be shown on your booking page. If you allow only one payment option you can use any number for activation.
Depending on the types of credit card you accept globalpayments might need two connections.
Alternate payment methods may be available in your location, contact globalpayments for details.
Please email the details to the globalpayments support desk. The connection type from Beds24 to globalpayments is "Redirect. Please note that all changes must be submitted by email by an authorised contact on your account. Please allow 24 hours for any account configuration changes at globalpayments.
Collect deposit for direct bookings at time of the booking[editar]
Use this instruction to set up deposit collection from your booking page.
Send payment request[editar]
Use this instruction to create payment requests.
Strong Customer Authentication (SCA)[editar]
Beds24 integrates with the hosted payment page (HPP) for which globalpayments will automatically take care of the required functionality.