To set overrides click in the field of the first date.
- BLACKOUT will close the room so it is not available for booking
- NO CHECK IN - guests can not check in on this day but guests checking in before can stay on this day
- NO CHECK OUT - guests can not check out on this day but guests checking in before this date can stay on this day
- NO CHECK IN AND NO CHECK OUT - guests can not check in or check out on this day but guests checking in before can stay on this day
- EXCEPTION will apply the booking rule for the "Exceptional Period" set in SETTINGS -> PROPERTIES -> BOOKING RULES
- NONE - the booking strategy is as defined for the property
Changes to settings which may indirectly affect price or availability take affect on the booking page or at the channels the next time a price or availability in the calendar change or a maximum of 24 hours if nothing else changes.
When you click on the icon a menu with customization options will open where you can also change the position of the row.