The restriction strategy sets how the minimum and maximum stay settings are applied. In most cases the appropriate setting is "Stay Through".
- When set to "Stay Through", this prices minimum and maximum stay restrictions must be satisfied for each day of the stay where this rate applies. The value of all booked days applies.
- When set to "First Night Only", this prices minimum and maximum stay restrictions must only be satisfied for the arrival date of the booking. Only the value of the check-in day applies to the booking.
Example: Weekdays have a 2 night minimum stay, Friday and Saturday have a minimum stay of 3 nights. A guest wants to arrive on Thursday and stay 2 nights. Arrival: booking not possible because for Friday a 3 night minimum stay applies. First Night: Booking possible because on Thursday a minimum stray of 2 nights applies and the rule for Friday will be ignored.
- "Gap Fill" - If you have minimum stays you can use an additional "gap filler" price to close gaps. A minimum stay and a maximum stay will narrow the gap. Bookings are only possible for the number of days defined by the min and max stay and only if there is a booking gap. If you have a room type with several units, this is only the case if only one is free which has a gap and all the others are occupied.