Expedia Rooms and Rate Plans
This page is about the menu (SETTINGS) CHANNEL MANAGER > EXPEDIA > ROOMS & RATE PLANS and explains to manage Expedia rooms and rate plans from Beds24.
You can only map rooms and rate plans which show when you click on "Get Codes" If you want to create new rooms or rate plans or make changes to rate plans you dan do this directly in Beds24.
Beds24 supports Occupancy Pricing (OBP) with Expedia so you only need additional rate plans if you want to offer additional pricing options for example a refundable and non-refundable option
Each Expedia room needs to be mapped to a room in Beds24 and Expedia rate plan needs to be mapped to a price in Beds24.
If you have multiple rate plans you would normally map your standard rate plan in (SETTINGS) CHANNEL MANAGER > BOOKING.COM and your additional rate plans directly in the price.
Ficheiro:Expedia rooms and rates.mp4
Create a new room in Expedia[editar]
You can create a new room in Expedia from a room in Beds24.
Step 1: Select the room you want to send
Click on the "Create New Room" button then select the room you want to send from Beds24 to Expedia.
Step 2: Adjust your room name and settings
Change the setting if required then SAVE.
The settings available in Beds24 are limited. If you require more detailed settings you can make further adjustments in your Expedia Extranet.
Step 3: Map room Go to (SETTINGS) CHANNEL MANAGER > EXPEDIA > MAPPING and click on "Get Codes" next to the room you have just sent to Expedia. Select the room and click SAVE. Then click on "Get Codes" next to the setting for the "Rate Plan ID" and map your rate plan.
For further information on how to do the mapping click on HELP in the top right of the page.
If you have no "Create New Room" button all rooms in Beds24 are already mapped. If you want to create another room in Expedia you need to create the room in (SETTINGS) PROPERTIES > ROOMS first.
Change or deactivate a room in Expedia[editar]
Click on "Edit" for the room you want to change or deactivate.
Change the settings then SAVE.
The settings available in Beds24 are limited. If you require more detailed settings you can make further adjustments in your Expedia Extranet.
Rate Plans[editar]
Use this function if you need to change a rate plan or need an additional rate plan in Expedia.
Add a rate plan[editar]
Step 1: Select the room for which you want to add a rate plan
Click on "Edit" for the room for which you want to create a rate plan. Then click on "Add New Rate"
Step 3: Set rate plan up
Give your rate plan a speaking name and adjust the settings. Then press SAVE".
The settings available in Beds24 are limited. If you require more detailed settings you can make further adjustments in your Expedia Extranet.
Step 4: Map rate plan:
Click on "Get Codes" in the "Channels" tab or section of the daily price or rate and enter the Expedia rate plan for this daily price or rate.
For more information use these instructions.
Edit or deactivate rate plan[editar]
Step 1: Select the rate plan you want to change or deactivate
Click on "Edit" for the room for which you want to create a rate plan. Then click on "Edit" for the rate plan you want to change.
Step 2: Change rate plan
Adjust the settings and then press SAVE.
The settings available in Beds24 are limited. If you require more detailed settings you can make further adjustments in your Expedia Extranet.
Delete rate plan[editar]
Step 1: Select the rate plan you want to delete
Click on "Edit" for the room for which you want to create a rate plan. Then click on "Edit" for the rate plan you want to change.
Step 2: Deactivate rate plan
To delete a rate plan set it deactivate it "Inactive" first then press SAVE.
Step 3: Deactivate rate plan
You will now have a "Delete" button which you can us to delete the rate plan.
Add or manage promotions[editar]
Rate plans are not used for promotions. If you want to set up a promotion Go to (SETTINGS) CHANNEL MANAGER > EXPEDIA > PROMOTIONS to manage promotions.
Common errors[editar]
Access denied: your account is not authorized to manage this property To use this function 1. Beds24 needs to be selccted as channel manager from the "Expedia Connectivity Settings" section in your Exepdia Extranet 2. The your property needs to be connected in (SETTINGS) CHANNEL MANAGER > EXPEDIA > MAPPING. For instructions on how to do this click on HELP in the top right in (SETTINGS) CHANNEL MANAGER > EXPEDIA > MAPPING.
Error 2424 (Invalid value [] for the element 'perStayFee') Check the PerStayFee for the Cancellation Policy
Error 3067 (Deadline must be a number between 0 and 32767) Check the cancellation policy is correct for this rate plan
Error 3071 (Missing mandatory element: name) should be returned to partner and is stored correctly in Partner System Ensure you enter a Rate Plan Name
Error 3071 (Missing mandatory element: Type) should be returned to partner and is stored correctly in Partner System Ensure you enter a Rate Plan Type
Error 3071 (Missing mandatory element: cancelPolicy) should be returned to partner and is stored correctly in Partner System Ensure you enter a Rate Plan Canellation Policy.
Error 3071 (Missing mandatory element: minLOSDefault/Missing mandatory element: maxLOSDefault) should be returned to partner and is stored correctly in Partner System Minimum/Maximum LOS must be specified
Error 3082 (Duplicate Distribution Model not accepted) A Rate plan already exists with Partner code Hotel Collect / Expedia Collect
Error 3086 (Occupants for base rate can only be set for PerDayPricing rate plans, and its value should be greater than 0 and less than the room's maximum occupants) Remove the occupancy details for your OBP rate plan, or change your Rate plan to per day pricing.
Error 3093 (Compensation provided in request does not correspond to your property contract) Ensure that you use a %age that matches your contract or contact Expedia to change your contract.
Error 3106 (Element minLOSDefault has to be a number between 1 and 28) / Error 3107 (Element maxLOSDefault has to be a number between 1 and 28) Minimum/Maximum LOS must be between 1 and 28 days.
Error 3108 (minLOSDefault cannot be greater than maxLOSDefault) Maximum LOS needs to be greater than the Minimum LOS for this rate plan.
Error 3237 (bookDateStart/bookDateEnd must be between 1900-01-01 and 2079-06-06) Check the Start date and End date are between 1900-01-01 and 2079-06-06
Error 3239 (travelDateStart/travelDateEnd must be between 1900-01-01 and 2079-06-06) Check the Travel start date and Travel end date are between 1900-01-01 and 2079-06-06
Error Code 3730 (Hotel Collect partner code is already used under this room type by rate plan ID: XXX) A rate plan already exists with the Hotel Collect Partner code. It is not possible to create multiple rate plans with the same Hotel Collect partner code for the same room type.
Error Code 3729 (Expedia Collect partner code is already used under this room type by rate plan ID: YYY) A rate plan already exists with the Expedia Collect Partner code. It is not possible to create multiple rate plans with the same Expedia Collect partner code for the same room type.