
Fonte: - Algarve Beach House
Visit Scotland
This page is about the menu  (SETTINGS) CHANNEL MANAGER > VISIT SCOTLAND and explains how the connection with Visit Scotland works and how to set it up.



  • can show your availability at and allow direct bookings on your own booking page

For details please click here


Visit Scotland require a tracking script and newsletter link on your booking page, see below for instructions to install these.


1) Enable the Channel manager >> Visit Scotland >> Inventory check boxes for the rooms you want to sell at Visit Scotland.

2) Visit Scotland require you to track booking confirmations by saving the following script at the menu (SETTINGS) BOOKING ENGINE > PROPERTY BOOKING PAGE > DEVELOPERS. Insert "Confirmation Page Insert in HTML <HEAD>"

<script type="text/javascript">var utag_data = { pms_site : "Beds24", vs_id : "[REFERRER2]", price : "[PRICENC]", currency: "GBP", product_name : "[PROPERTYNAME]", product_id : "[PROPERTYID]", arrival_date : "[FIRSTNIGHTYYYY-MM-DD]", nights : "[NUMNIGHT]", adults : "[NUMADULT]", children : "[NUMCHILD]", infants : "0", booking_type : "Bed & Breakfast"}</script><script type="text/javascript"> (function(a,b,c,d){ a='//'; b=document;c='script';d=b.createElement(c);d.src=a;d.type='text/java'+c;d.async=true; a=b.getElementsByTagName(c)[0];a.parentNode.insertBefore(d,a); })();</script>

3) Visit Scotland require that you include the following link to their newsletter on your booking confirmation page, save it at menu (SETTINGS) GUEST MANAGEMENT > CONFIRMATION MESSAGES.

<p align="JUSTIFY" class="western"><font face="Calibri, serif">We’d like to help you discover more about Scotland - to find great offers, ideas and further information sign up to VisitScotland’s e-newsletter today by clicking the following link: </font><a href=""><font face="Calibri, serif"></font></a></p>

4) Visit Scotland require that you include the following information on your booking confirmation page, save it at menu (SETTINGS) GUEST MANAGEMENT > CONFIRMATION MESSAGES.

Your booking details (excluding personal information and card details) will be shared with VisitScotland. VisitScotland will use this data for analysis purposes.

Cancellation rules

Visit Scotland uses the cancellation rules set in the Beds24 system. The default is to never allow cancellations.

  • To allow cancellations go to SETTINGS->PROPERTIES->BOOKING RULES and change the setting for "Booking Cancellations by Guest"
  • We send offer 1 to Visit Scotland. To allow cancellations for offer 1 go to (SETTINGS) PROPERTIES > ROOMS > OFFERS and change the setting for "Booking Cancellations by Guest"

Visit Scotland[editar]

Your id number is your Beds24 property Id number.

Log on to the VisitScotland Extranet [1] and follow VisitScotlands "Web Booking Integration with your VisitScotland Listing" instructions.

If you do not have a VisitScotland Extranet username and password you should contact the Tourism Services Team: